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S. 2 | Episode 3: Legacy

In celebration of Black History Month, we are consciously leaning into the future. Join Miriam, Noah, Zaid, and the Peace4Kids community (youth, caregivers, volunteers, staff, and program alumni) in a collage of ideas that honor our collective history and personal legacies in progress.

As always, reach out if there is a topic you want to see discussed that relates to foster care or the foster care experience. If you have something you want to add to the topic of Black history or legacy, let us know, too!

Editor’s Note: This episode is a compilation of field recordings from our outdoor event and though a little rough around the edges, we hope you listen to the end 🙂 Huge thank you again to everyone who stopped to think and chat impromptu and our hope is that you, too, are inspired to reflect on how you show up today and tomorrow.

Bonus: Madam CJ Walker

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